There are many photographers who do what they 're told and earn their living by making photographs that resemble other photographs. But Maureen is one of the few "others" who see what no one else has seen and make images that have the surprising inevitability of true inventions. Such photographers resemble hunters, collectors, and gamblers. What they gamble with and count on is something Jung called synchronous, or meaningful coincidences, and what they hunt and collect are the entities that make up the whole.
One of the first women to receive a BA degree in photography from the internationally acclaimed school of photography, Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, California. She also has a minor in psychology and a lifetime of human development. After 30+ years in professional photography she has lived her dream and continuous to live her passion by using her talents in ways to enrich the lives of all whom she comes in contact with by providing an experience of self-discovery and realization.